Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Midmar Mile

A record-setting weekend is on the cards because the Midmar Mile has approached the Guinness Book of World Records for official recognition as the world's largest open water swimming event on two fronts:

* An attempt will be made on the largest single event record, which stands at 3 060 swimmers; that will likely take place in the company relay on Saturday.

* The Mile will also seek recognition as the largest overall event, which should prove to be no problem at all. A recent drop in the price of fuel has led to a spike in the pace of entries, and if the field is in the region of the recent marks of between 16 000 and 17 000 the record will fall.

Very exciting for all those participating. My gym coach shall be one of them so good luck everyone.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Composition and painting plein air

Do you have trouble choosing what to paint when working out doors?

You need to carefully decide on the composition of your work as you have so much more to choose from than you would if you were using a photograph.

You need to be quite disciplined!

Try following these simple ideas to help you choose what to keep and what to discard.
Use a view finder it makes the task a whole lot easier.
• Look through the view finder using it as the initial tool then take the same view with your camera.

• Now hold the cardboard viewfinder up like a picture frame. Look through it, moving it across the scene and decide where the best composition is.

• Keep in mind all along the focal point that you wish to include and place this focal point in the correct position in your frame as this often determines the format of your picture i.e. whether to use a landscape or portrait format.

Hope that helps you start your year out right with some good compositions.Let Gill help you compose the best bush landscape on one of her
Painting Holidays


Although landscape painting is generally divided into a simple thirds; sky, middle distance and foreground, this may sometimes change. If you wish to make the painting mainly about the sky, as it may be very dramatic, sky will take up two thirds of the format and thereby minimize the importance of the foreground. But the thirds formula is still being used.

You can catch up on last years newsletters here

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Interview with Gill Van Wyk tutor on South African Painting Holidays

Sally:- Gill, where do you work?
Gill:- At home in my studio but I enjoy working in the open as it's a challenge working with the real thinggill60x66

Sally:-How do you find a title?
Gill:- I try not to think about it and it will just come to me.

Sally: - What do you most enjoy about painting?
Gill: - aHa! It takes you into a relaxed mode and I enjoy working with colour and capturing the feeling.

Sally: - What is a typical day for Gill?
Gill: - Getting going with a cup of tea, then the chores around the house. When they are done I set up my work and usually do three hours of painting a day. Then I have a fairly long break till after supper then I start working again when it is nice and quiet.

Sally: - Is spontaneity important?
Gill:- For me it is.

Sally: - What is difficult?
Gill: - Enough time. Things that interrupt me

Sally:- What is your favourite subject to paint?
Gill:- Birds and outdoors. I'm not into still life but anything organic I enjoy

To hear more of my interview with Gill, you can join the
Painting Circle and watch the video here


To unify your paintings, ask yourself these questions:
1. Does the painting have a center of interest?
2. Does it have a dominant value?
3. Does it have a dominant color?
4. Does it utilize progression?
5. Do the light shapes "walk the eye" through the painting?
6. Do the dark shapes lead your eye through the painting?
Thanks to Ken Hosmer in The Artist's Magazine October 1986 issue

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